Numerous projects, located in different industries and carried out for customers of all sizes, testify to our versatile experience. The following projects are just a few of them.
For the dutch company 3D Mouthguard specialised in the manufacturing of custom-fit mouthguards, we developed the software dedicated to the automated fitting of scanned teeth geometries to a generic mouthguard model.
The complex web platform for the rental of camper pitches is based on Ionic and is therefore available for iOS, Android and as a web application.
We developed a platform-independent application for a major sensor manufacturer that allows the monitoring and control of their sensors. For this purpose, the expertise of countless areas had to be combined - be it web technologies, radio standards or serial communication.
For our client ICT Berufsbildungscenter AG, we teach a wide selection of topics to ICT apprentices. Amoungst others Linux, Mobile development, SQL, Webdesign and development.