
David is a problem solver at heart. He combines the ability to cut through complexity with a broad knowledge of the whole stack and a perfectionist attitude. Thus, no bug escapes his scrutiny. When not chasing down bugs, David writes software that works without magic. As an allrounder, he improves every project that he works on. He is currently doing his Masters of Computer Science at ETH.

> 5h
Music per day
days a week bouldering
Liter Club Mate per week

David wanted to become a doctor right up to high school, following in his father's footsteps. Gradually, however, he became fascinated by computer science and began to spend more time at the computer. To this day, he is driven by an insatiable curiosity to explore, fathom and ultimately improve systems. But his interest in medicine has not waned, and so David's dream is to work on the integration of digital systems with people. He is also particularly interested in decentralized systems and IT security.

Apart from computer science, David spends his time on sports, music and books. For him, sport means bouldering, wing chun, running and dancing, without movement there is no balance to top-heavy work. David always listens to music, whenever possible live. He is a musical omnivor, everything from jazz to metal can be found in his media library. Like many others in the tech sphere, David likes to read science fiction, his current book recommendation is "Walkaway by Cory Doctorow".